this is something I could not wear everyday, for this look I really have to be in the mood! the BOYFRIEND jeans got very famous during the last couple years and can be found from highend to lowend fashionbrands and shops. I got my favorite pairs at ZARA and C&A and what I really fancy about them is the destroyed parts where the legs can be seen. I think this gives it a bit of a feminine touch because you can then see the shape of the leg. so what I wanna share with you today are the ROTHIRSCH silk knot cufflinks by the swiss designer Beat Leisibach. they are handknoted, come in eight different colors and can be ordered online here: one pair costs 12 CHF and the set with all the eight colors costs 60 CHF. I think this makes a wonderful present for people that love wearing shirts with cufflinks. (free shipping within switzerland)