as you read in my previous post I am currently in Romania where I have spent a lovely Craciun = Christmas in Brasov and am now enjoying some days in Bucharest.
in BRASOV you should definitely visit the old city center with the gorgeous old houses and the black church and stroll around the streets. BRASOV has the third narrowest street in Europe (told by our cab driver) STRADA SFORII (means rope street and is between 111 and 135 cm wide and about 80 meters long.)
I saw so many beautiful houses and when you go a bit outside of the old city center you will see houses that are abandoned or half done. I find Brasov a very picturesque city and I have to go back and take photos of all the beautiful gates and doors.
we started the day with ZOOM SERIE which opened 5 days ago and is famous for their sweets. they have an awesome list of fresh teas and make fresh juice. I can totally recommend the juice with banana, apple and oranges, the SWEET NOVEMBER tea, I hope I remember that tea correctly : ) its the one with hibiscus and berries and their BROWNIES. mmmhhmm!
we ate very well at BISTRO DEL ARTE and HOCKEY PUB, in general the food was very delicious. as a vegetarian I was warned that Romania is the country of meat and cheese, two things I don’t like at all. but as I said I could not complain there were vegetarian dishes on the menu. a local vegetarian dish is ZACUSCA 🙂 another place that I really liked is called BISTRO MA COCOTTE. here you can see my BRUSCHETTA and PASTA from the hockey club.