so I had the chance to meet Jorina at the Theater Basel and she told me about her own label and about MOIRAI. I asked her what that was and asked her if I could show it on the blog. I sent her some questions and are very happy to share this awesome design spot with you.
1. Who is behind it and what do you do?
MOIRAI is created by three women from Basel, each with their own label and area of expertise.
Jorina Weiss – label “Jorina Weiss“, women’s and men’s fashion
Sabrina Kym – label “Kyry’s“, children’s clothes and accessoires
Anne-Sophie Chiarello – label “Chiara Moira“, women’s fashion
Together we run MOIRAI in Basel: our creative space where design, creation, café and shop are one. We also teach sewing classes here and host our own events. The clothes that these three in-house labels sell are all made by our own hands on site. A truly local shopping experience.



2. Where can we find you?
MOIRAI‘s shop is in Basel at Missionsstrasse 66. You can also find us online at www.moirai.ch, and on facebook www.facebook.com/www.moirai.ch
3. How is it for you to be part of the swiss design scene?
We pride ourselves in our local approach to design. If you like one of our designs, we can custom make it for you, change it to your liking or create something entirely new. We think this way of designing will change the way our customers look at clothes, experience and wear them. It is also possible to learn to make the clothes you see or imagine in our classes.

I really hope you liked this post as much as I had fun to write it. Thank you so much for answering my questions. Its my pleasure to show you local design on such a high level. I encourage you to visit MOIRAI and check their social media for events. Maybe a sewing class might be something for you. 🙂 I wish you all a lovely sunny day and lets hope we can all wear our summer clothes for a bit longer. X

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