thomas visited the exhibition and the lecture of the architect DANIEL LIBESKIND. as he is an architect it was really nice to have his view on that topic. the lecture was called “my visions”. DANIEL LIBESKIND informed about the visions and ideas behind different projects and how he approaches the different fields involved. he also had a rather unconventional start into architecture as he first studied music and therefore has a different access to form and design. thomas really liked the way he talked about his ideas and visions and the fact that he also involved music in the jewish museum, one of DANIEL LIBESKIND most famous project. the exhibition showed nice objects in unconventional and complex ways meaning not always in the classy way: poster and model but were made with attention to detail and work.
«architecture is not based on concrete and steel and the elements of the soil. It’s based on wonder. and that wonder is really what has created the greatest cities, the greatest spaces that we have had.» DANIEL LIBESKIND
Werkschau architektur 0.14