I live in Basel and therefore I am a local who can give you lots of tips about Basel. especially during the Art Basel week we tend to have long days and long nights and then its very nice to treat oneself with something nice. so, when I have a rough day or my feet hurt from being on them all day long I like to get myself a footmassage or a pedicure, depending on my time schedule. I can absolutely recommend Ramona Gysi and her salon RG Cosmetic & Massage.
Steinenvorstadt 23
I had the pleasure to get a foot reflexzone massage the other day and it was such a relaxing experience. by massaging the feet the whole body is affected and therefor it feels like a full body massage.
in case you need a hair cut I can also recommend a very nice salon called WINTER COIFFURE its located behind AESCHENPLATZ at Lange Gasse 28. Stefanie Winter is cutting my hair for a very long time and I blogged about my experiences several times before.
Lange Gasse 28
Stefanie Winter has worked in the coiffure industry for years and stands for styling expertise at the highest level. she opened her first salon in Basel at Lange Gasse 28 in Basel. the approximately 80 square-foot facility is located directly behind Aeschenplatz. Stefanie Winter is coiffeuse out of passion and her success is based on the unique feeling for people and style.
have a nice day and see you tonight at BASEL NACHT (5-9pm) get your free pass here https://www.microspec.com/tix123/eTic.cfm?code=VOLTA1216 and use my code: SOMETHINGNICE – see you later. X