fall is here and I am getting my wardrobe for the season together. something that I really love, shopping and mixing and matching new things with older stuff. I had such a good time lately and was invited to soo many nice places and was able to do so many awesome things. thank you life for bringing nice things my way! I have had a rough start into the year. some of you may know already. I was in the hospital over christmas 2013 because I have lost my sense of taste. anyway, after weeks of high dosed cortison I was able to taste something again but also had to deal with a rather negative diagnose: MS – multiple sclerosis! first reaction shock – wtf! I have just arranged to start my own business with my blog and I have already cancelled my job at Herzog & de Meuron that time. was that the biggest mistake ever? well it turns out NO it was not a mistake to quit my job and start my own business because like this I can work according to me and my personal situation. I have hired a personal trainer in order to keep my muscles fit and healthy. I will soon introduce you to my trainer and the exercices we do. in the photos above you can see me running in the rain and I hope I will be able to do that for a very very long time! stay positive and wish me lots of positive things. a positive mind can fight many challenges and one of them is my personal fight against my own disease!