This years BILDRAUSCH FILMFEST is about to start today and Cristian got the chance to preview the romanian movie: I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians and here is what he has to say about it.
After Aferim, the Romanian director Radu Jude brings in front of the large audience another dark episode of his country´s history. In the same type of relaxed tempo that he used in Aferim, he unveils scene after scene the horrors of wars.
Radu Jude is appointing his ambassador of truth in the person of the present day theater director Mariana Marin played by Ioana Iacob. Mariana chooses to direct a play that is essentially a historical reconstruction of the Odessa massacre and to present her work in an open square in the center of Bucharest, probably the most important public space in Romanian recent history.
Mariana is trying to make a shocking argument know your history and accept it as it is, but she learns fast that this is not coming easy, the plot step by step is unveiling a surreal world with its surreal problems, that picks every day comfort of ignorance over the harsh truth of humanity.
Radu Jude builds the narrative of people falling into oblivion, neglecting their past and building their future on ignorance and lies.
Even though the movie, I Do Not Care If We Go Down in History as Barbarians, can be seen as addressing itself directly to the Romanian people that in many ways decides to ignore certain pages of their history, finding themselves in a constant process of self-victimization, it addresses to all of us a hard lesson that you need to know and accept your past as it was because that it is the only recipe to build a better future.
“Îmi este indiferent dacă în istorie vom intra ca barbari”
Cristian was born in Brasov in 1982 and has spent his life in Brasov and Bucharest and moved to Basel, Switzerland in 2011. He hopes that this review was helpful and that you will get a chance to watch the movie on either Thursday or Sunday in Basel. Please visit the BILDRAUSCH FILMFEST website to find out more about the other movies they will show.
19.6. – 23.6.2019
Thursday 20.06.2019 at 9.15 pm at Stadtkino Basel (in attendance of Ioana Iacob)
Sunday 23.06.2019 at 11.30 am at kult.kino atelier Basel
About Bildrausch Filmfest
Ever since its first edition in 2011, Bildrausch has been dedicated to the innovative film d’auteur. As a «festival of festivals», it invites new discoveries that caused a stir at the international festival circuit as a result of their idiosyncratic cinematic language and their uncompromisingly different approach to narration. Curiosity and openness are the key principles when it comes to our selection of films. We focus on cinematic quality, on the pleasure of visual expression and the art of telling stories in a new way. From different perspectives, we take a fresh look at current issues. In short: We focus on film as an art form.
At the heart of Bildrausch lies the international competition «Cutting Edge», which showcases a dozen carefully selected films. An international jury awards the best film with a prize sum of 5,000 Swiss Francs and presents its winner with the «Bildrausch Ring of Film Art».