MIX and MATCH 18. January 2016FASHION, VIEW IT ALLbasel, Bershka, fashion, fashion blogger, fashion lover, gold, good bye, grandma, grandmothers, green, handmade, Helvien, how to wear a midi skirt, how to wear different materials, in love, lautre chose, love, made in Romania, max mara, midi skirt, mix and match, navy, new blouse, risa, swiss blogger, swiss fashion blogger, switzerland, todays outfit, vintage, wardrobe, what to wear, whats new, whiteisawsomethingnice.ch Continue reading MIX and MATCH →
todays outfit 17. September 2012FASHION, VIEW IT ALLBershka, catwalk, daily outfits, fashion, fashion blog, hm, inspiration, isawsomethingnice.ch, ootd, streetstyle, styling, stylist, todaysoutfit, vintage, what I am wearing today, whattowearisawsomethingnice.ch todays outfit shirt SHEMA pants BERSHKA shoes CATWALK scarf H&M bag and belt VINTAGE