yes! the time has come – I am getting ready for spring and summer! and this year I have found some nice little helpers for my skin. in summer my skin is more exposed to sunlight and I am wearing nice short dresses and I wanna be sure to have a very nice, soft and even skin without any redness, stretchmarks or dents! so therefore I am drinking a lot of tea and water to get rid off any toxines and waste! that is step one and very crucial for a healthy diet and a fit body! I am a vegetarian since I was a baby and never liked meat so I already eat a lot of veggies. lately I have tried to eat a seasonal diet and I gotta tell you that is NOT easy for a person living in switzerland and craving AVOCADOS – ORANGES and LEMONS : ) so every now and then I had to make an exception and bought some delicious avocados, lemons and oranges. I try to mix vegetables, carbs and proteins. my favorite dish is rice with beans and different vegetables – I could eat that every day! a well-balanced diet is step two to a healthy body! mmhhmm. I think it is time to show you some of my lovely dishes that I am cooking all the time. stay tuned. now back to the healthy lifestyle. drinking enough and eating a well-balanced diet are key to a nice and fit body. the industry is showing us so many different things to stay in shape and one could spend hundreds of franks on different products. and thats why I wanna show you these 3 awesome products that I have found at MIGROS!
ZOÉ slim-it!
200ml/ 18.50 CHF
I AM shape my body
200ml / 10.60 CHF
ZOÉ push-up!
150ml/ 17.50 CHF
I started using them last week: the ZOÉ slim-it! for my tighs, belly and arms and the ZOÉ push-up! for my decollete. it takes at least four to six weeks to see any results. so I will keep on applying these lovely buggers and will get back to you with my results. have a lovely tuesday and I hope it was not too bad to get back to work – well at least the sun is out. : ) I have moved my computer so I can sit in the sun – have a look at my instagram photos here >>