Tag Archives: what to see

Jorge Mendez Blake

Jorge Mendez Blake Jorge Mendez Blake

Born  in  1974  in  Guadalajara,  México.
Lives  and  works  in  Guadalajara.


TOM PRICE – synthesis

Design Miami Basel

I visited Design Miami Basel and I absolutely fell in love with the pieces by TOM PRICE at the Victor Hunt Designart Dealers booth. I took so many photos of his work and I decided to share as many as possible with you. in fact I have to say that I actually like (my) photos a lot better than the actual poles. I dont like the shape of the work but I am very much fascinated by the inside and all the amazing encounters of different colors and materials.

Design Miami Basel Design Miami Basel

synthesis is the study of a dialogue between two contrasting materials – resin and tar – and their negotiation for space and identity when forced to become a single unified entity. petal-like cracks and fissures formed through a careful manipulation of the catalysing process of the resin cluster and interact with amorphous invasive bodies of tar, which loom – apparently suspended in space. the tar initially appears densely black, almost light-absorbent, but upon closer inspection, a network of fine green vapour trails can be seen drifting from a surface partially melted by the exothermic reaction of the curing resin. as the tar heats it expands, searching for pathways within the resin and rushes to claim open fissures, creating wafer thin golden slivers of coral-like protuberances. the effects of the synthesis of these two disparate elements – one black and dense; the other clear and liquid – results in a riot of colour and explosive formations that engage on both a macro and micro level.

Design Miami Basel Design Miami Basel Design Miami Basel Design Miami Basel Design Miami Basel Design Miami Basel Design Miami Basel Design Miami Basel Design Miami Basel




ROST & GOLD (zurich, switzerland)

this was the place where I immediately felt like home – such a cosy place with lots and lots of very nice things to see. I only captured a few things with my camera – there is way more to see. so for the people who will travel to zurich I think this place is a MUST!


Rost & Gold is owned and run by 2 lovely men called Werner and Roland. I met them that very night in person and had some good laughs and talks. thank you Dushka for introducing us. xx
