It’s that time of the year again: ART BASEL 2022 week and somehow it feels like the last Art Basel has just been a couple of months ago, and in fact, that’s actually the case. The last two years have been very different and have affected us all in many ways. Hardly any events, limited gatherings etc.. That’s why I am thrilled to share with you this years BASEL SOCIAL CLUB, a place to sit back, relax, reflect and enjoy!
The BASEL SOCIAL CLUB draws inspiration from time-honored institutions such as The Arts Club (1863) in London or the National Arts Club (1898) in New York, and offers a venue for professional exchange and conversation; inviting visitors to spend time with and around artwork, to meet friends and colleagues, or to simply relax by the pool during the busy week. A public program of performances and other events will take place daily.
The opportunity to get together and exchange ideas is enriched by varied gastronomic offerings. Squadra Ravioli serves coffee, drinks and tacos by the pool and in the garden during the day and in the early evenings.
Every night from 6 p.m. onwards, Peng restaurant invites guests to dine on modern Chinese cuisine and selected wines on the second floor. Cocktails will be served on the ground floor by Gentleman‘s Gin.
Squadra Ravioli, by the pool, from 2 pm,,
Peng, 1st flfloor, from 6 pm,, reservation necessary via
The BASEL SOCIAL CLUB is a membership club for guests from the professional art world. Daily and weekly tickets are available on site for all non-members. Detailed information about the program, the exhibiting artists and participating galleries can be found at
Opening hours
Monday – Saturday: 2 – 10 pm Sunday: 2 – 6 pm
No entry after 9 pm
Lisa Alvarado (Bridget Donahue, New York)
Markus Amm (Galerie Karin Guenther, Hamburg)
Anna-Sophie Berger (Faltpavillon, Basel)
Bernadette Corporation (Greene Naftali, New York)
Miriam Cahn (Meyer Riegger, Karlsruhe/ Berlin/ Basel)
Mariana Castillo (Mendes Wood DM, Sao Paulo/ NY/ Brussels)
Monster Chetwynd (Sadie Coles HQ, London)
Dadamaino (Galerie Knoell, Basel)
Michael Dean (Mendes Wood DM, Sao Paulo/ New York/ Brussels)
Jeremy Deller (The Modern Institute, Glasgow)
Koenraad Dedobbeleer (Clearing, Brussels/ New York)
Daniel Dewar & Grégory Gicquel (Clearing, Brussels/ New York)
David Douard (Rodeo, London / Athens)
Claudia Dyboski (Cordova, Barcelona)
Sam Falls (Franco Noero, Turin)
Irene Fenara (ZERO…, Milan)
Gina Folly (Ermes Ermes, Rome)
Raque Ford (Greene Naftali, New York)
Gina Fischli (Sandy Brown, Berlin)
Jasmine Gregory (Cordova, Barcelona)
Charlotte Herzig (Wilde, Geneva/ Basel)
Karl Holmqvist (Galerie Neu, Berlin)
Judith Hopf (Kaufmann Repetto, Milan/ New York)
Cooper Jacoby (Fitzpatrick Gallery, Paris)
Kentaro Kawabata (High Art, Paris)
Emil Michael Klein (Francesca Pia, Zürich)
Adriana Lara (Aguirree, Mexico City)
Klara Lidén (Galerie Neu, Berlin)
Matthew Lutz-Kinoy (Fitzpatrick Gallery, Paris)
Bill Lynch (The Approach, London)
Amaka Madumere (Cherish, Geneva)
Arthur Marie (Queer Thoughts, New York)
Lou Masduraud (Cherish, Geneva)
Rene Matić (Arcadia Missa, London)
Jacopo Mazzetti (Fitzpatrick, Gallery)
Hedi Mertens (Galerie Mueller, Basel)
Jill Mulleady (Fitzpatrick Gallery, Paris)
Claudia & Julia Müller (Galerie Karin Guenther, Hamburg)
SAGG Napoli (Champ Lacombe, Biarritz)
Shahryar Nashat (Rodeo, London/ Athens)
Meret Oppenheim (Galerie Knoell, Basel)
A.R. Penck (Galerie Knoell, Basel)
Greg Parma Smith (Francesca Pia, Zürich)
Evelyn Plaschg (Layr, Vienna)
Lukas Quietzsch (Schiefe Zähne, Berlin)
David Rappeneau (Queer Thoughts, New York)
Dorian Sari (Wilde, Geneva/ Basel)
Sergio Sarri (Fitzpatrick Gallery, Paris)
Louise Sartor (Crèvecoeur, Paris)
Will Sheldon (Heidi, Berlin)
Alan Shields (Galerie Bernhard, Zürich)
Soil Thornton (Galerie Neu, Berlin)
Richard Sides (Schiefe Zähne, Berlin)
Lucie Stahl (Queer Thoughts, New York)
Vivian Suter (Karma International, Zürich)
Ulla von Brandenburg (Meyer Riegger, Karlsruhe/ Berlin/ Basel)
Jan Vorisek (Arcadia Missa, London)
Marilola Wili (Amore, Basel)
Zhang Yibei (BANK, Shanghai)
Sun Yitian (BANK, Shanghai)
Mie Yim (Simone Subal, New York)
Urban Zellweger (Karma International, Zürich)
Bruno Zhu (Cordova, Barcelona
The Beverly Holz
Bruderholzallee 195
4059 Basel