I am so in love with this new dress that I have found in one of my favorite shops in Basel: Le Mouton a 5 Pates. A super simple grey SILVIAN HEACH dress to wear in many different ways. Today I wanna show you that you can wear the same dress and only change the shoes. A very simple way to make your dresses more versatile.
one dress – many ways to walk it #1
lets start with the comfiest and easiest way to walk: Sneakers. A pair of black sneakers should be key to every wardrobe. A very easy way to dress down a nice dress.
one dress – many ways to walk it #2
Metallic shoes were quiet a big trend. And I found my silver shoes in C&A on SALE for 19 CHF. An amazing bargain. Not only great to dress up your look in a comfy way but also perfect to jazz up a simple jeans and sweatshirt look.
one dress – many ways to walk it #3
And now a very easy way to upgrade your dress by wearing black heels. In my opinion every lady should have a pair of black heels. No matter if the heel height is only 2 cm.
one dress – many ways to walk it #4
Simple black flats, also something that we all should own. Nothing works better to make a chic outfit look more casual. I found these babes at ALDO in Marseille.
one dress – many ways to walk it #5
Boots are a great way to wear a dress in winter. I found these wedge boots at the Zalando Lounge Sale. They are very comfy to walk in due to the wedge heel. Black boots are perfect becasue they are working with so many different colors and looks. I am not so sure anymore whether I like these kind of boots with jeans. It somehow reminds me of the late 90s, early 2000, when this boot over skinny jean was a big success. Maybe with a pair of over the knee boots, who knows.
I wanna thank Miguel for taking the photos of me, it was quiet an adventure. We found this little platform on the water (Rhein) that was perfect to take the photos. I was able to get there with almost all the shoes, except for the wedge boots that you can see in the photo above.
Here is a photo that shows how hard it was to get to that tiny platform. I was prepared to fall in the super cold water but luckily didn’t. 🙂 Have a lovely day. X